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Ladies and gentlemen, Presenter for Confluence is back and we got again a bag full of nice features and fixes for you.

For more detailed information read down below and do not forget - happy presenting!

Features (blue star)

  • NEW You can now not only present your pages but also your child pages.

How: Go to “…” → Present → and active the toggle-button INCLUDE SUB PAGES

  • NEW You can now better and more easily report the errors.

How: Press “Alt + d” while you are presenting. You can scramble article, so we do not get your private information. You can then send it by e-mail or copy it to the clipboard (and publish it in our Service Desk).

  • NEW We did minor redesign of the presentation dialog

  • NEW We added switch to toggle between new and old title slide behaviour

Fixes (blue star)

  • FIX Auto-slide behaviour

  • FIX Authentication timeout in presentation dialog

  • FIX The page break macro

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.