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Managing themes in the themes list

When you open the theme editor, you start with a list of all themes available.

To learn where to find the theme editor and who will be able to use your themes, head over to Organize your themes: visibility levels.

Working with a theme list entry


Editing a theme

Click on the “Edit” pencil button in the themes list to start the theme editor for a certain theme.

Exporting a theme

Click on the “Export” button in the “…” menu in the themes list to export any theme in a ZIP file. You can re-import the ZIP file in other Slide Presenter for Confluence instances.

Copying a theme

Click on the “Copy” button in the “…” menu in the themes list to create a copy of a theme right next to the original theme.

Deleting a theme

Click on the “Delete” button in the “…” menu in the themes list to delete a theme. (warning) Attention: this is permanent.

You can also delete themes that are shipped with Slide Presenter to control the choice of your users.

If you deleted a default theme by accident, you can always re-install it, see below.

Importing a theme

Click on the “Import theme” button above the list to import a theme that was exported by Slide Presenter for Confluence before. Just upload the ZIP file you received when exporting the theme.

Installing a default theme

You can always install default themes of your liking. Click on the “Import theme” button and then on the “Install a default theme instead” link in the appearing modal. You’ll see a list of available default themes ready to be installed.

Default Theme Modal.png

Please note that you can install any default theme any number of times. This way, you can use a default theme as the blueprint for multiple custom themes.

Creating a new theme

If you want to start a new theme from scratch, click the “Create theme” button above the list. The theme editor will open for a new, blank theme.

Sorting themes by Drag and Drop

To sort your themes, click and hold a theme list entry and move it wherever you want it to be.

Sort Table.webp

Please note that you can only sort themes inside the same space - so, a global theme can only be sorted with other global themes.

Moving and copying between global and spaces

You can move themes between global and spaces:

  • Move from space to global: In the global theme editor, you’ll find a “Move to global” button in the “…” menu of all space-specific themes. This button will move the theme from its current space to global. It will no longer be a space-theme.

  • Copy from global to space: In the space theme editor, you’ll find a “Copy to space” button in the “…” menu of all global themes. This button will copy the theme to the current space. Use this to create a derivation of the global theme for your space.

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