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How to get a browser console log

Sometimes it is really helpful for our support team to have a look at the browser console log. The console is a logbook of everything that happens on a website - starting at the load of the current page. Follow the following guide to gather your browser console log if our support team asks for it.


  1. Press F12 or right-click on a page and click Inspect

  2. select Console

  3. make sure that Preserve Log checkbox is ticked (if you don't see Preserve Log checkbox, click on the cog icon on the right)

  4. reload the page (it should fill with log entries)

  5. right-click anywhere in the console → Save As... → choose the location to save the file

  6. Attach the file to the service ticket.


  1. Press F12 or right-click on a page and click Inspect Element

  2. select Console

  3. activate Persist Logs checkbox

  4. make sure that all tags are selected (Errors, Warnings, XHR, etc) and reload the page (it should fill with log entries)

  5. right-click anywhere in the console → Select all → copy the selected content → paste it into a text file

  6. Attach the file to the service ticket.


  1. Press F12 or right-click on a page and click Inspect Element

  2. select Console

  3. make sure that Preserve Log checkbox is ticked

  4. select All section → reload the page

  5. Right-click at any place in the console content and choose “Save as…” → choose the location to save the file

  6. Attach the file to the service ticket.


  1. Press F12 or right-click on a page and click Inspect Element

  2. select Console

  3. make sure that Preserve Log checkbox is ticked

  4. select All and reload the page (it fill with log entries)

  5. click on any entry in the Console log and copy everything (use CMD+A shortcut)

  6. paste the content into a text file and send it to the Support team.

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