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Presenter Start Button

The Presenter Start Button offers an alternative way for your users to start a pre-defined presentation. It is designed to enable casual visitors to start presentations without much explanation.

The Start Button itself will only be visible in the regular Confluence view, but not in the presentation. You can style the button to match your corporate design.

Please note that this is a special way to start a pre-defined presentation. Normal users start a presentation using the Presentation dialog.

What Start Buttons look like

The default, uncustomized start button looks like this:

Customization options




The theme the presentation will use, just as if you chose a theme in the Presentation dialog


Whether the subpages of the current page will be included

Alignment of the button

Should your button be aligned left, right or centered?

Button background color

Pick a color for the background of your button. Please note that the font color is always white, so use a color with sufficient contrast.

You can define custom colors via their hex code. Learn more about hex code colors.

Tab/window the presentation opens in

Should the presentation use a new tab/window (depending on the visitors browser configuration) or re-use the current tab/window?

Button label

Define what is written on your button. Leave it empty to keep a localized default text.

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