Using Page Layouts with Slide Presenter
Slide Presenter supports Page Layouts. This means your slides can have multiple columns. This is optional and has to be enabled in your theme settings. This page explains how to get the most out of Page Layouts in your presentations.
Our default themes already come with support for Page Layouts and 16:9 slides since version 3.22.
The following video gives you an introduction on How Slide Presenter works with Page Layouts:
Layout Rules
These two layout rules apply for Page Layouts:
Each new Page Layout section creates a new slide.
If there is one headline starting one of the columns, it gets pulled out of the column layout and placed above it. (Learn more about that below.)
Enabling multi-column Page Layouts
By default, Slide Presenter deconstructs Page Layouts and treats the columns of the layout as if they are placed beneath each other. If you enable the theme option “Respect column layout”, the columns are preserved.
You can also force the “Respect column layout” option even if it is not enabled in the theme by using your personal options in the Presentation Dialog.
👭 Best friends: Page Layouts and 16:9 slides
If you are using Page Layouts frequently in your content, make sure that your theme uses 16:9 slides. If you don’t use 16:9 slides, the content is crammed into a square area in the middle of your slide.
Content without Page Layouts can look “too wide” on 16:9 slides. But you can easily edit your theme so normal content is centered on the slide - so make sure to read the following article:
Best practice: Too make the layout on 16:9 slides with Page Layouts look smooth, make sure to apply CSS to your theme as described in Styling Page Layouts. Your presentations will thank you.
How the headline is “pulled out”
If Slide Presenter finds a headline starting one of the columns of the Page Layout, it pulls this headline out of the column layout and places it right before the Page Layout.
This enables layout features like Options: Layout | On-slides-with-title,-fix-title-on-top-and-center-content to work as expected - the headline that once lived inside a layout column now can be placed on top of the slide.
But what to do if multiple columns start with a headline? In that case, Slide Presenter will not pull out any headline and leave the layout as it is.