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Presenter plays nicely with most 3rd party plugins, as long as the plugins provide some content we can use in our presentation.

Tested and compatible (among most others)

Tested and compatible with additional information

Embedding content from websites with sharing functionality

If your content comes from an external website with a sharing functionality, you can embed it in Confluence and Presenter without hassle.

For Confluence Cloud

  1. Go to your external application and copy the sharing URL it provides

  2. In your page editor: insert an “iFrame” by typing “/iframe” and paste the sharing URL. Configure other things to your liking: a width of “100%” and disabling the border is a good idea, for example.

  3. You’re done! The external content renders nicely in Confluence and in the presentation.

Not compatible



Confluence Team Calendars

Security settings of Team Calendars do not allow 3rd party apps to display them.

Table Filter and Charts for Confluence

The app replaces the tables with a dynamic javascript that loads the content in the background. This javascript is not executed in the presentation view.

(lightbulb) But we are working on a workaround, you’ll be able to get the unfiltered tables in the presentation in the near future!

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.